Voicemail Valet
Let the Voicemail professionals take care of it for you. We know the value of outstanding service, impeccable quality and prompt, white glove service and that’s why we are offering it to you with our famous Voicemail Valet recording and delivery service.
- Get your messages delivered on a CD or USB memory stick
- Do you love white glove service?
- Too busy to find the time to do it yourself?
- Want the peace of mind that comes with quick and professional service?
Sign up online and tell us about your voicemail recording needs
Sit back
Our professionals will duplicate and save your voicemails directly through your carrier.
When you receive your treasured messages via Email, Audio CD or USB Stick.
What You Get With Voicemail Valet
Professional care
We've been doing this for 10 years, so you know your voicemails are in good hands.
Cloud Backup
We'll house additional copies of your voicemails in the Voicemail Vault, accessible online anytime.
Email delivery
Separate voicemail files delivered through email are easy to download & share with friends. Additional copies to a CD and USB Thumb-drive available.
Date and Time
Each voicemail will have the date and time stamp included when available from your carrier.
Quick Service
Our professionals will jump right in recording your messageswithin 3-5 business days.
Seamless for you
We access your messages through your carrier through their back end system with no disruption to your service or usage.
Add These Great Options to Your Order
Take advantage of our voicemail transcription service that provides accurate and fast transcriptions of your voicemails.
Affidavit of Authenticity
We can provide a notarized affidavit of authenticity to go along with your recorded voicemails.
Cloud Storage
We'll keep backup copies of your recorded voicemails in a secure online account for extra peace of mind. Play or download voicemails online anytime.
Have your messages recorded and saved on CD or USB to keep forever. Never worry about losing your messages again!
Free with every order!
Get voicemails as mp3 audio via email
“ Just finished saving voicemails. I can't say enough good things about my experience using Voicemails Forever. THANK YOU for making this service available to those of us that don't have the 'latest and greatest' phone.”
Voicemail Express
Hassle free & easy to useFor immediate DIY voicemail recording
- Quick easy signup and instant activation
- Voicemail saving as easy as making a phone call
- Download voicemail to computer as mp3 audio file
- Works on all phones, carriers and voicemail boxes