How I Protected My Familys Voicemail Memories

You have twelve saved messages. To listen to those messages, press 1. For the last decade and a half I have owned what my husband and I call 'dumb' phones. I had used the same slide-opening phone for longer than my husband and I had been married (five years).
It was old and worn, but it worked for calls and most texts. Most importantly, it held the twelve important messages from those years. Every time I opened my voice mailbox I would hear my supervising principal from student teaching encourage me before my portfolio presentation, my two year old niece say 'I love you, Auntie' and my dad wish me a successful first day of being a REAL teacher.
Most treasured of all was the message of my very musical grandma and grandpa singing happy birthday to me in beautiful harmony. Hearing her voice every time on my messages brought so many emotions back after losing her to stomach cancer over 4 years ago.
My grandfather passed away only two years later. Whenever I opened my mailbox, I was afraid I would accidentally erase the only recording of the grandparents voices that I had left. That's when I found I didn't have to worry anymore because it was now saved forever. I have a new 'smart phone' now, but those old memories will be protected forever with this wonderful company who holds them tightly for me!