Scared of Losing Voicemail Upgrade To iPhone

I have saved precious voicemails on my old LG texting phone from my granddaughter, my husband and son and my 92-year-old father during the past 8 years. Imagine my shock when I went to purchase an I-Phone two years ago and was told by my Verizon rep that they couId not transfer my voice mails. They suggested I simply play them on the phone and record them on another I-Phone and then transfer them back to my phone. Needless to say the quality in this process left much to be desired.
I was ready to resign myself to never owning a smartphone when I discovered Voicemails Forever. Not only are the recordings sharper and clearer than the originals, they were sent to me within a 24-hour period. The staff at Voicemails Forever is knowledgeable and accommodating and they sent me the recordings in both a CD and an MP3 format. Saving my audio memories permanently has made it possible for me to get that smartphone after all. Thank you VoiceMails Forever.